Press Releases

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Investigatory material confirms that police planned to use life-threatening measures and arrest demonstrators before the protest even began; “Mahash” failed to take basic investigatory steps,...
Discussions at the Knesset’s Education Committee reveal that a meeting was held between the Ministry and Shin Bet representatives concerning the formulation of a procedure of cooperation between...
Adalah calls upon the commission to continue to investigate key human rights abuses and Israel’s racist policies of segregation, domination, and Jewish supremacy in all areas under its control.
Update: Following challenges and objections to the procedures by Adalah and other human rights organizations, COGAT published new procedures on 4 September 2022. They are slated to go into effect...
Today, 1 June 2022, the Israeli authorities prevented Ubai Al-Aboudi, the Executive Director of the Bisan Center for Research and Development, from traveling to Amman, Jordan to attend a two-day...
The new amendment to the Absorption of Discharged Soldiers Law – 1994, also known as the “From Uniforms to Studies Law”, stipulates that a discharged soldier, as defined in the...
Adalah is issuing this short Q&A in response to many inquiries regarding the behavior of the Israeli police in confiscating Palestinian flags from mourners during the funeral of Al Jazeera...
Tomorrow, 17 May 2022, the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee will hear objections against Israel’s East Jerusalem City Center Plan. On 14 September 2021, Adalah – The...
On 22 and 23 May 2022, the Beer Sheva Magistrates’ Court will hold hearings on the cases during which experts and residents of Ras Jrabah will testify against the evictions and home demolitions.
Adalah: The police conducted a negligent, flawed investigation with the ultimate aim of closing the case and clearing the suspects. Footage found in the investigation file indicates pressure to...
Last week, Israeli police attempted to restrict Palestinians’ access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in several ways. According to complaints received by Adalah from worshippers, on the...
The Israeli air force killing of the four boys on the Gaza beach and the refusal of all levels of the Israeli legal system to hold the military accountable, reflect a policy of total impunity.
Today, 20 April 2022, the Haifa District Court heard a request by the Israeli State Attorney’s office for a three-month administrative detention order of Mr. Sadeen Jabareen, a 29 year-old...
The petition, filed on behalf of the Al-Tufula Center, the Arab Mayors’ Committee, and the Follow-up Committee on Arab Education demands the cancellation of clauses requiring that educational...
After learning that private Arab schools in Haifa do not receive any funds from the equipment budget and that the Haifa municipality funded transportation to and from schools only for...
In 2021, Mifal HaPais awarded 38,000 scholarships, however, Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Syrians in the Golan Heights holding permanent Israeli residency were excluded, constituting...
For the first time, an international Commission of Inquiry (COI) will also examine Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinian citizens of the state, and the ‘root causes’ of the...
The Council has been inactive, in violation of the law. According to official data, 42% of Palestinian citizens of Israel suffer from food insecurity. Adalah demands significant Palestinian...
Despite extremely high unemployment and poverty rates, job seekers from Palestinian Bedouin towns in the Naqab are directed to government employment bureaus in cities far from their homes; official...
Today, 17 March 2022, Adalah Attorney Myssana Morany provided an oral statement via video during the 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), in an interactive dialogue with...