Press Releases

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Court rejects petition filed by former MK Yousef Jabareen and Adalah against Knesset ethics code that blocked Jabareen from U.S. trip funded by group endorsing call from Palestinian civil society...
Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib was arrested on 14 May 2021 in violent Israeli police raid that left dozens of local Palestinian residents wounded in Kufr Qanna.
Multiple sworn affidavits from the past few weeks testify to rampant, systemic Israeli police attacks and brutal beatings of Palestinian citizens of Israel – protesters, minors, innocent...
Adalah: Recent events are reflection of Israeli Jewish ethnic superiority and racial segregation policies enshrined in Jewish Nation-State Law, which also falls within absolute prohibitions of...
Palestinian fishing unions in Gaza have reported multiple incidents of fire by the Israeli navy toward fishermen and their boats even within the permitted fishing zone.
World Justice Project awards Adalah with the Fundamental Rights and Non-Discrimination prize for its legal action before Israeli courts and state authorities to obtain remedies for COVID-19 related...
This marks first time UN council addresses root causes of systematic Israeli racial discrimination against Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line.
Israeli police shot dead 19-year-old Fadi Alloun in East Jerusalem on 4 October 2015; Adalah: Israel is unable or unwilling to investigate crimes perpetrated by its law enforcement officers – and...
Israel's police openly announce that 'Operation Law and Order' intended to intimidate and serve as 'deterrent'; Adalah: This is illegal, constitutes collective punishment based on racial profiling.
For the past week and half, Adalah’s lawyers, together with dozens of volunteer lawyers, have defended Palestinian citizens of Israel who have taken to the streets in protests across the country.
Adalah and partner human rights groups call on Israel to halt attacks on civilians in Gaza which raise grave suspicions of severe violations of international law that could amount to war crimes.
Adalah and Palestinian residents of Jerusalem neighborhood petition Israeli Supreme Court against police checkpoints; police only checking only IDs of Palestinians.
A Call on the International Community to Act: Protect Palestinian Citizens of Israel Background In recent days, Palestinian citizens of Israel (PCI) have been victims of intense violence at the...
Marks first declaration of civil emergency announced within Israel since military regime imposed on all Arab towns, villages, and neighborhoods in Israel from 1948-1966.
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel responded to a statement made tonight, 15 May, 2021, by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
Adalah obtains internal communications between Israeli Jewish extremists revealing organized, coordinated efforts to bring masses of armed individuals to cities with significant Palestinian...
Over 160 lawyers took part in the session held via Zoom.
Israel’s internal security agency has not denied that it sent text messages reading “We will punish you”; Adalah: This is illegal and violates previous Israeli court rulings.
Israeli police employing excessive force and extreme violence, wounding hundreds of Palestinian worshipers and emergency medical staff; Israeli police also blocking Palestinian worshipers from...
The following letter was prepared and sent by Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara. It was translated from the original Hebrew to English by Adalah.