Press Releases

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Adalah, JLAC, Al Mezan: But AG’s position still allows for expropriation of private Palestinian land, violates international law banning construction of civilian settlements on occupied territories.
CEDAW recommends special measures to increase Bedouin women's employment, raises concerns with Israel’s forced urbanization, evictions, displacement of Bedouin.
Public Security Minister's proposed law conditioning return of bodies on families' agreement to police-imposed funeral restrictions politicizes humanitarian issue.
Israeli army expelled residents, demolished Galilee village in 1948; Adalah demands all displaced residents from Ma'alul be allowed to visit family graves, now surrounded by Israeli military base.
JLAC, Adalah and CIDSE present to diplomats about Israeli forced displacement policies against Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line; call for urgent action by the international community.
Digital Activism workshop for high school and university-age youth, and training for new Arab lawyers and journalists held in Haifa.
Law would annex West Bank settlements of Beitar Illit, Ma'ale Adumim, Givat Ze'ev, Gush Etzion, Efrat to Jerusalem, and impose Israeli civilian rule on territory under military occupation.
Israeli military reveals it’s holding bodies of Palestinians pulled from detonated Gaza tunnel; international humanitarian law forbids holding bodies as bargaining chips.
Adalah, Al Mezan: Preventing rescue of missing persons in area under Israeli military control is illegal policy contrary to Geneva Conventions; forbidden to use trapped people as bargaining chips.
Move comes in response to Adalah, ACRI appeal against lower court’s decision to revoke citizenship of Palestinian citizen of Israel convicted of attempted murder.
Israel's mandatory education law obligates Education Ministry to provide 3-4 year-old children from unrecognized villages with access to preschools.
Adalah, Al Mezan demand Israeli military halt threats; Geneva Convention: Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among civilian population are prohibited.
60 Palestinian students from West Bank, East J'lem, Golan Heights, and citizens of Israel participated; one student: 'I hadn't considered a career in human rights, but the camp changed my mind.'
Construction of planned railway requires home demolitions, will block access to neighboring family homes, kindergartens, service centers, agricultural land, and mosques.
Supreme Court overturns lower court decision ordering police to publish regulations, thus hindering efforts to bring officers to justice for violations.
Adalah demands Israeli law enforcement agencies reveal to detainees and their lawyers contents of social media posts in pre-trial detention hearings.
Adalah: Israeli police killing of 13 Palestinian protesters in 2000 was motivated by racism; in 2017, Justice Ministry PID continues to whitewash investigations of police killings of Arab citizens.
Broadcast ban violated freedom of expression and religion, press freedom; Israel postponed decision on station's requests to broadcast for more than year until Adalah filed petition.
Illegal detention constitutes assault; Israeli law doesn't permit guards to detain passenger unless a weapon is found, there is suspicion of weapon, or passenger is about to use weapon.
Electrical power lines already running through village only serve nearby chemical plants; 3,000 kids in Wadi al-Na'am study in schools powered by diesel generators.