Press Releases
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MK Touma-Suleiman: This could be preface to transfer of Naqab Arabs; policy aimed exclusively at Bedouin citizens – no Israeli Jews have been affected.
Israeli State Attorney's Office's 'Cyber Unit' collaborates with social media platforms – including U.S.-based giants Facebook and Twitter – to censor users' posts, but has no legal authority.
Then-interior minister Roni Bar On revoked residency of four parliamentarians in wake of 2006 Palestinian elections, in move Adalah & ARCI called a grave rights violation.
Court okays Israeli gov’t transfer of land-use authorities to World Zionist Organization's Settlement Division, which advances interests of Jewish citizens only.
Israeli missile attack killed 4 kids playing soccer during 2014 Gaza war; Israeli delays, investigative failures threaten any chance of bringing to justice those responsible for killing of civilians.
Adalah & JLAC: Israeli government response to Supreme Court petition against Settlements Regularization Law views West Bank settlements as already annexed to Israel.
Cop conducted "additional neutralization" even once Mohammad Abu Khalaf no longer posed danger to officers; Adalah appeals Israeli Justice Ministry's decision to close probe of the killing.
Adalah appeals Police Investigations Department decision to close probe into killing of 16-year-old Mu’taz Ewisat; PID failed to undertake most basic of investigative steps.
Construction of new Be'er Sheva-Arad line would block access to homes & agricultural lands, restrict development, and result in widespread land appropriation, home demolitions, and evictions.
Adalah calls for immediate halt to police ban on residents of Arab city in central Israel from entering Jerusalem holy site; police cannot legally justify sweeping human rights violations.
Closure will have devastating health implications for pregnant women, new mothers, babies, and children up to age six who now have no access to preventive medical care.
Interior Minister seeks to implement Israeli domestic law on occupied territory, which amounts to a de facto annexation of West Bank land to Israel, in gross violation of international law.
Hiran set for construction in place of Bedouin town of Umm al-Hiran; state had committed: 'Hiran is planned as general community into which any Israeli of any background or religion may integrate'.
Adalah, JLAC, Al Mezan: Freezing actions against settlement structures on private Palestinian lands allows continued violation of Palestinian property rights in West Bank.
Adalah demands Interior Ministry committee block Naqab (Negev) land rezoning that would pave the way for new Jewish towns while preventing future development of Bedouin towns.
Alaa Zayoud will be left stateless, in contravention of international law; Adalah, ACRI to appeal 'dangerous precedent' to Supreme Court.
Minefields pose serious danger to Majdal Shams as explosives drift beyond marked areas towards homes. Since 1967, 18 Golan locals – half of them children – have been killed by mines.
1 August 2017 marks three years since “Black Friday” in Rafah, intensive military attacks that killed 255 Palestinians, including 85 children, and wounded hundreds more.
Adalah mourns the passing of Mrs. Salemeh Badarneh, sister of Adalah Office Manager Fathiyya Hussein
With great grief and sorrow, Adalah management and staff mourn the passing of Mrs. Salemeh Badarneh, sister of our esteemed colleague Adalah Office Manager Fathiyya Hussein.
Supreme Court rules police must return bodies of three Al Aqsa shooting suspects, Palestinian citizens of Israel, to families for burial within 30 hours; says no law permits police to hold bodies.