Press Releases

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On 13 April 2013, the Israeli government once again called on the Knesset to extend the discriminatory "Ban on Family Unification - Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order)" for an...
The Airport Authority recently published an advertisement announcing vacant positions for baggage handlers at Ben Gurion Airport. The announcement requires military service as one of the primary...
Adalah, The Arab Center for Alternative Planning (ACAP), and the Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem filed an objection with the Jerusalem District Planning and Building...
On 3 April 2013, Adalah filed a motion for injunction to the Israeli Supreme Court to prevent the enforcement of an amendment to National Insurance Law enacted in 2010 which will cut up to 60% of...
In light of the recent sharp rise in racist attacks against Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, Adalah sent urgent letters this month demanding the opening of criminal investigations into two...
On 21 March 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a petition submitted by right-wing organization Regavim to close down three elementary schools in the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Wadi...
Today, a coalition of Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations calls on the UN Human Rights Council to protect Palestinians from forced displacement on both sides of the Green Line. As...
While women were, and still are, pivotal during the uprisings that ousted dictators in various countries of the southern Mediterranean region, a pattern of marginalizing them is emerging from...
Following media reports that Israeli security personnel would shortly begin forcing Palestinian workers to use new, segregated bus lines, Adalah wrote to Israeli ministers demanding that they halt...
Currently, Palestinian minors held in Ofer Prison do not receive any organized education, and minors in Megiddo and Sharon Prisons receive inadequate and inappropriate teaching. Adalah and Defense...
On 1 March 2013, Adalah and Bimkom, on behalf of residents of the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Atir, submitted an appeal against the approval of Plan 26/03/11 for the "Yatir Forest" before...
On 26 February 2013, the Tel Aviv Magistrates’ Court acquitted three Palestinian citizens of Israel on charges stemming from their participation in a demonstration against the Israeli offensive...
On 20 February 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a petition submitted by Adalah to connect the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Umm el-Hieran (pop: 500) in the Naqab (Negev) to the...
On 13 February 2013, an expanded panel of Supreme Court judges rejected Arab Knesset Member Haneen Zoabi’s petition to cancel the Knesset’s removal of some of her parliamentary privileges....
Adalah and the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality in the Negev (Dukium) organized a day of human rights training on Saturday, 16 February 2012 for a group of residents from the village of...
Israeli Supreme Court Rejects Petition against Law Exempting GSS from Recording Interrogations of Security Suspects; Decision Completely Contradicts New Recommendations of Turkel Committee On 7...
The Bir el-Sabe (Beersheva) Magistrates’ Court decided on 3 February 2013, to cancel three separate indictments filed against five residents of the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Al-Araqib...
(Haifa) On 4 February 2013, an expanded panel of the Supreme Court rejected a petition filed by Adalah in 2011 on behalf of MK Dr. Ahmad Tibi against the Presidency of the Knesset. In a...
On 24 January 2013, the Nazareth District Court denied a petition filed by Adalah on behalf of the Mayor of Nazareth to cancel a bidding process for building rights to five plots of land in...
On Monday, 21 January 2013 the Haifa District Court held a hearing on Adalah’s petition to prevent organizations from bidding in land tenders for the construction of 78 apartments in the city of...