Press Releases

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On 2 April 2008, the Supreme Court of Israel held a hearing on a petition filed by Adalah on behalf of the National Committee of Arab Mayors and the Municipality of Nazareth in July 2001...
On 30 March 2008, Adalah sent a letter to members of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, on behalf of the Association for Palestinian Prisoners, Physicians for Human...
On 7 April 2008, the Israel Land Administration (ILA) sent its response to a letter filed by Adalah challenging the ILA Council’s Decision 1111 dated 25 May 2007, according to which “The Israel...
On 12 March 2008, Ms. Gay McDougall, the UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues, presented her report to the seventh session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. In preparation for the report,...
On 18 March 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the general director of an employment office, the Supervisor of the Unit for the Implementation of the Employment Law within the Ministry of Trade,...
On 17 March 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the Director of the Israel Land Administration (ILA) and the Attorney General (AG) demanding the cancellation of a decision approved approximately a year...
On 10 March 2008, Adalah submitted an appeal to the National Council for Planning and Building (NCPB) on behalf of 75 Arab citizens from the Arab Druze town of Daliyat al-Carmel, against a decision...
On 16 March 2008, Adalah filed a petition to the Supreme Court challenging an amended law that strips recipients of income support allowances of their right to own or use a car. Adalah argued that...
On 5 March 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz, on behalf of the Association for Palestinian Prisoners, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, the Public Committee...
On 10 March 2008, human rights and social change organizations sent an urgent letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the Minister of Construction and Housing Ze'ev Boim and the Attorney General...
On 2 March 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Eli Yishai, the Director of the Coordinating Bureau of the Economic Organizations, Shlomo Neuman, and the...
The plan is designed to create an apartheid road and turn the Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem into cantons, in violation of international and Israeli law On 2 March 2008, Adalah...
On 5 March 2008, Adalah sent letters to the Minister of Communications, the Minister of National Infrastructures, the Minister of Construction and Housing, the Minister of Transport, the Minister...
The law allows for the arrest of suspects for long periods without any judicial oversight, for deliberations to take place in their absence, and for the decision to extend their detention to be...
On 4 March 2008, Adalah, in cooperation with the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab (RCUV), filed a motion to the Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva) Magistrates’ Court to...
Adalah to Defense Minister: Firing at the Civilian Population of Gaza Constitutes a War Crime
Today, 29 February 2008, the Supreme Court of Israel rejected a petition filed by Adalah in the name of Arab members of Knesset, political activists, and members of the Committee to Commemorate Dr....
On 28 January 2008, the University of Haifa and the Marine Education and Training Authority responded to a letter sent by Adalah demanding the cancellation of the military service criterion as an...
Adalah: “Prisoners are transported by the Israel Prison Service in conditions that violate their constitutional rights to freedom, dignity, minimal living conditions in prison, medical...
Human Rights Groups: "Israel is Violating the Rights of Civilians in Gaza and Depriving them of Basic Needs – in Violation of International Law." Wed., February 6, 2008: Beginning tomorrow...