Press Releases

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On 11 October 2007, Adalah sent a letter to the General Director of Israeli television Channel 8, the Communications Minister and the head of the “The Satellite and Cable Broadcasting...
The Supreme Court approved the proposal made by the JNF and the Attorney General's Office to delay further deliberations on the petition for three months in order to allow them to reach a final...
The Memorandum: A Re-Enactment of a Law Set Aside by the High Court of Justice
On 20 September 2007, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the Head of the Supreme Court Petitions Department in the Attorney General's Office, Attorney Osnat Mandel, stating that unless it received the...
Today, 23 September 2007, Adalah filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding the cancellation of regional selection committees, which select their residents from among candidates who...
On 5 August 2007, B'Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories on behalf of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) applied to the...
On 2 August 2007, late at night, the Israeli army arrested Mohammad Bsharat, Executive Director of Nafha Society for Defense of Prisoners and Human Rights, which is headquartered in Nablus. He was...
On 2 September 2007, Adalah filed a tort suit to the Haifa Magistrates' Court on behalf of Mr. Tawfiq Abdul Fatah Hussein and his family against the Israeli police and two individual police...
On 20 August 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel issued an order nisi (order to show cause) on a petition filed to the court by Adalah on behalf of Muslim religious leaders in November 2004 mandating...
On 29 August 2007, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of the Association for the Development of Arab Education in Haifa and 33 parents of elementary school...
On 16 August 2007, Adalah sent a letter to the Israeli Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Security, the Head of the General Security Services (GSS) and the Attorney General, following an...
On 29 August 2007, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of the Association for the Development of Arab Education in Haifa and 33 parents of elementary school...
On 15 August 2007, the Beer el-Sabe Magistrates' Court ordered the freezing of demolition orders issued in December 2006 against almost all of the houses belonging to Arab Bedouin families living...
On 5 August 2007 Adalah filed 45 motions to the Beer el-Sabe Magistrates' Court to cancel demolition orders issued by the court in December 2006 to demolish almost all of the houses that belong to...
On 18 July 2007, Adalah filed an appeal to the Attorney General (AG) against the decision of the Ministry of Justice's Police Investigations Unit (�Mahash�) to close the file of a police...
On 18 July 2007, a racist bill entitled the �Jewish National Fund Law�, submitted by MK Uri Ariel (National Unity/National Religious Party), passed its preliminary reading in the Knesset...
On 9 July 2007, Adalah filed a second petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding that the Karni Crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip � which has essentially been closed for five...
On 7 July 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel held a hearing on two petitions, one filed by Attorney Hassan Jabareen, the General Director of Adalah, and the other filed by Attorney Awnie Bana from...
On 29 June 2007, Adalah sent a letter to Attorney General (AG) Menachem Mazuz and the Director of the Israel Land Administration (ILA), Yaakov Efrati, demanding that the AG open an immediate...
On 18 June 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel issued a decision on a petition filed by Adalah, requesting that the Court order the Chief Military Prosecutor to indict soldiers responsible for...