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Not all women suffer from discrimination and oppression to the same extent. Talk of shared codes of deprivation and oppression toward all women and the proposal of a uniform remedy are liable to...
Discrimination suffered by women throughout the world can be examined through two principal lenses: nationality and class. The reasons for discrimination against women, the means employed and the...
Over the past three decades, there has been increased public, academic, and professional interest in the problem of wife abuse. As a result, the myth of “harmonious marriage” or “harmony in...
Many political philosophers view polygamy as a cultural right and assert that the courts should respect and protect it. Most of the feminist literature repudiates this approach and claims that it...
If Doron Almog is to blame anyone for being welcomed by the British police at London’s Heathrow Airport on 11 September, 2005 he should direct the blame at his own government rather than the...
During the past three years, the Knesset has passed draconian laws. Some of this legislation even seeks to circumvent rulings by the Supreme Court.By approaching the legislature, the executive...
An examination of the “law-enforcement” activities of members of the “security forces” (the military or “Tzahal,” the Border Police, the police, and the General Security Services or...
Arab citizens of Israel comprise approximately 20% of the population in Israel, and 25% of the country's school students. Throughout their schooling, from elementary to high school, Arab and Jewish...
Not only does the educational establishment in Israel regard civic education as a political subject, but it is also perceived as a field which competes with Jewish-values education. Bluntly...
The average rate of illiteracy in Israel, at 4.6%, is considered relatively low.5 In the UN’s Human Development Report 2004,6 Israel was ranked 22nd among 177 countries in which the level of...
Tala, a 3rd year English student at Birzeit University in the West Bank, recently wrote an essay about the experience of studying and learning under a military occupation which directs attacks...
An initial examination of Mahash’s report, undertaken prior to having the chance to study the investigation materials themselves, reveals that there is nothing in Mahash’s explanations to...
During the five years which have passed since our sons were murdered, the law-enforcement authorities have not fulfilled their duty under the law. Five years have elapsed and yet the murderers –...
The great importance of the principle ICJ Advisory Opinion on the illegality of the Wall lies not only in its affirmation of the ‘Palestinian side,’ but also in its reinforcement of the crucial...
If the government of Israel were sincerely concerned about racist attacks on its Arab citizens, it would not only disengage from Gaza, but also from discrimination.
On 9 July 2004, one year ago, legal history was made as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its Advisory Opinion on the legal consequences of the construction of the Wall in the...
9 days before the publication of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) Advisory Opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT),...
The citizenship of Arabs in Israel is so distorted that it can surely be called “de facto Class B citizenship,” although no law determines it as such. However, the tempest expected in the...
The idea that victims could be active and independent participants in criminal proceedings, permitted to address their views directly to the judges, is inconceivable. Such a role for victims is one...