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The Israeli military has relied upon the “absolute military necessity” exception to the basic principle in international humanitarian law prohibiting the destruction of civilian property during...
Five activists of the Islamic Movement in Israel, including its leader Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, were detained for over a year until the end of criminal proceedings against them for providing...
Mr. Avramovitz contends that opposition to constitutionalizing Israel as a “Jewish and democratic” state represents a rigid and extreme ideological position. My article presented empirical...
In contrast to popularly held opinion, a state does not need a constitution. A constitution cannot solve the fundamental problems of a regime or a society.
National consensus is in fashion. The Israel Democracy Institute has for some time promoted its Constitution by Consensus project, which at one time was accompanied by jingles and posters. The...
I am going to discuss – from the perspective of international law – the status of the Arab Bedouins’ rights to the lands they occupy and use in Israel. This perspective is important and of...
We contend that there is no need for the present regional councils, and that a new structure should be created: spatial authorities or diversified regional councils, to include different kinds of...
In this speech, I intend to discuss what is called planning and urbanization for minorities. I will focus on two aspects of planning, one hidden and the other visible. The hidden aspect of planning...
Sixteen elementary schools presently serve 45 unrecognized villages in which some 75,000 Arab Bedouin live. The unrecognized villages still do not have a single high school. High school students...
The broader context provided by the IDI’s survey, and by the additional data provided by Mada, help in reaching a valid interpretation of the findings: should Israel abolish the law of return,...
As Israel celebrated its fifty-sixth Independence Day in April 2004, with most cars, streets, homes and public buildings draped in the national colors of blue and white, a senior member of the...
In this article, I will investigate the question of pluralism from two facets: firstly from the internal perspective, exploring the importance of social pluralism within our Arab society in Israel,...
But we are here today to remember what happened in October 2000: to remember and honour those 13 young men who were murdered and to honour their families, and to help bring those responsible to...
The question I want to raise is this: What conception of Israeli democracy guided the Or Commission in drafting its report? In other words, what conception of democracy, or what kind of democracy,...
The Or Commission report and the police's actions in October 2000 reflect the first approach. They consider Arab protest to emanate from a herd mentality, while protests by Jewish groups were...
The Or Commission report and the police's actions in October 2000 reflect the first approach. They consider Arab protest to emanate from a herd mentality, while protests by Jewish groups were...
Clearly, the demonstrations marked a certain development in the course of the struggle of the Arabs in Israel. What is this development?
The right to education is not among the recognized constitutional rights enumerated in Israel's Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom – 1992. The Supreme Court has also refused to recognize the...
In 1998, Supreme Court justices were shocked to learn that Israel operates thirteen public schools that were not connected to the electricity grid, and consequently had no lighting, heating or...
Every few months the entire country is scandalized by the discovery of another investigation in the course of which the persons being interrogated confessed to a crime they did not commit. While...