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On 10 May 2005, Adalah sent a letter to the Head of the Israel Prisons Service (IPS) requesting the immediate provision of Arabic language programs for illiterate prisoners incarcerated in Israeli...
On 24 May 2005, Adalah sent an urgent letter to all members of Israel's parliament, the Knesset, requesting that they do not ratify a bill to extend and amend the Nationality and Entry into Israel...
On 5 May 2005, the United Nations' Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) recommended Adalah for consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Consultative...
On 4 May 2005, the Welfare Association awarded Adalah one of three 2004 NGO Awards for Excellence in Achievement, at a ceremony organized by the Welfare Association. The ceremony was held in the...
On 9 May 2005, Adalah sent an urgent letter to all Israeli government ministers and to the Attorney General, requesting that the ministers refrain from submitting a proposed bill to extend and...
On 2 May 2005, Adalah filed an appeal to Iran Shindar, the Head of the Ministry of Justice Police Investigation Unit (“Mahash”), demanding the cancellation of its decision to close the...
Volume 13, May 2005 As a Result of Adalah and Sawt el-Amel’s Supreme Court Petition, Decision to Close Unemployment Office Serving Over 71,000 Arab Citizens of Israel is...
On 28 April 2005, Adalah wrote to the Attorney General (AG), the Director of the Ministry of Justice's Police Investigations Unit (Mahash), and the Military Prosecutor General, in the name of...
Dr. Marwan Dwairy, Chair of Adalah's New Board of Directors: “In this Charter, Adalah will ask to expand the boundaries of the law to protect human rights.” On 1 April 2005, Adalah's...
On 20 April 2005, Adalah filed an appeal to the Haifa District Court (sitting as a Water Tribunal) on behalf of 767 Palestinian Bedouin citizens of Israel living in the unrecognized villages in the...
On 26 April 2005, Adalah sent a letter to the General Director of the Israel Lands Administration (ILA), Mr. Yaacov Efrati, demanding the cancellation of the ILA's Decision No. 1015 entitled,...
On 19 April 2005, Adalah filed an appeal to the Attorney General (AG), requesting that he cancel the decision of the Ministry of Justice Police Investigation Unit (“Mahash”) not to...
On 4 April 2005 the Attorney General's (AG) Office submitted its response to a petition filed in November 2004 by Adalah and Sawt al-'Amel (the Laborer's Voice), to the Supreme Court of Israel...
Volume 12, April 2005 Adalah to Attorney General (AG): Cancel Decision of Mahash to Close File on Police Brutality Complaint Filed by Arab Citizens in Galilee Village of Beineh Due...
On 9 March 2005, Adalah filed a petition and a request for an urgent hearing to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of Mr. Atwa al-Nebari and in its own name against the IDF Chief of Staff, the...
On 23 March 2005, Adalah sent a letter to the Attorney General (AG) requesting the cancellation of regulations issued by the Ministry of Education's (MoE) Jerusalem district security officer which...
On 9 March 2005, Adalah filed a petition and a request for an urgent hearing to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of Mr. Atwa al-Nebari and in its own name against the IDF Chief of Staff, the...
On 17 March 2005, Adalah wrote an urgent letter to the Israeli Transport Minister, Meir Sheetrit, urging him to cancel a new amendment to the Traffic Regulations - 1961, which authorizes the...
On 2 March 2005, the Supreme Court of Israel ordered the Israel Prison Service (IPS) to explain its decision to prevent political prisoners – classified by the IPS as "security" prisoners...
On 1 March 2005, the Supreme Court of Israel rejected a motion submitted by Adalah seeking to temporarily freeze the “Nationality and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) –...