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Adalah Board Chairperson Muhammad Dahleh presented Adalah's report in Geneva to the UN CERD Committee on Israel's implementation of the Convention entitled "Legal Violations of Arab Minority Rights...
The Working Group on the Status of Palestinian Women of Israel, comprised of seven Palestinian women's and human rights NGOs and individual activists, submitted an NGO Report entitled "The Status...
Intensive negotiations undertaken by Adalah on behalf of the Association for the Development of Arab Education in Haifa with the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Municipality of Haifa have...
In May 2010, Adalah submitted an amended petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding the cancellation of regional “admissions committees”, which select their residents from among...
Carter Center Calls for End to East Jerusalem Deportations, Respect for International Law
Mr. Mahmud Alyan, a Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem, has been a journalist in Jerusalem for over 16 years; today he works as a photographer for Al Quds newspaper. He has been denied a press...
Tonight, 2 June, at close to 17:00, Adalah received a supplemental response from the Attorney General's office to the petition for habeas corpus and demand for information concerning the passengers...