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In a split decision of 2-to-1, the Court determined that the Israeli military has the authority to hold Palestinian bodies as bargaining chips, even without relying on a Cabinet Decision; Justice...
Adalah takes urgent legal action in response to new measures enforced in three cities, and as new checkpoints and barriers are erected; Mayors and city councils explicitly proclaim that they aim to...
Adalah sent a letter to the Israeli Military Advocate General (MAG) and to the Israeli Attorney General (AG) on 2 August 2021 on behalf of the Palestinian Health Work Committees (HWC) in the...
Despite the extremely high unemployment and poverty rates, job seekers from Bedouin towns in the Naqab are directed to cities that are far from their homes; Official government data indicates a...
Today, the Supreme Court heard arguments challenging the Sde Barir phosphate mine plan. The mine would pose serious health risk to residents in the area, including Palestinian Bedouin communities...
Haifa District Court rejects Adalah’s lawsuit against Karmiel Municipality and Education Ministry demanding state-funded transport for 500 Arab students to schools in neighboring towns
The Jerusalem Magistrates Court rejected the prosecution’s request to further extend the detention of Mohammad Kana’neh, one of the leaders of the Abnaa el-Balad movement, until the end of trial.
Adalah: The law is a discriminatory, vengeful tool that violates the basic principles of criminal law and the right to equality
Adalah: The Law is illegitimate and violates the absolute prohibitions of international law
Adalah challenges Nazareth District Court’s approval of detention order signed by Minister of Defense; detainee has been in custody for over 7 weeks.
Adalah: The Citizenship Law is one of the most racist and discriminatory laws in the world
Adalah calls for indictments of all involved Palestinian security personnel; demands establishment of neutral, independent investigation into PA policy of torture and killing.
Court rejects petition filed by former MK Yousef Jabareen and Adalah against Knesset ethics code that blocked Jabareen from U.S. trip funded by group endorsing call from Palestinian civil society...
Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib was arrested on 14 May 2021 in violent Israeli police raid that left dozens of local Palestinian residents wounded in Kufr Qanna.
Multiple sworn affidavits from the past few weeks testify to rampant, systemic Israeli police attacks and brutal beatings of Palestinian citizens of Israel – protesters, minors, innocent...
Adalah: Recent events are reflection of Israeli Jewish ethnic superiority and racial segregation policies enshrined in Jewish Nation-State Law, which also falls within absolute prohibitions of...
Palestinian fishing unions in Gaza have reported multiple incidents of fire by the Israeli navy toward fishermen and their boats even within the permitted fishing zone.
World Justice Project awards Adalah with the Fundamental Rights and Non-Discrimination prize for its legal action before Israeli courts and state authorities to obtain remedies for COVID-19 related...