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Minefields pose serious danger to Majdal Shams as explosives drift beyond marked areas towards homes. Since 1967, 18 Golan locals – half of them children – have been killed by mines.
1 August 2017 marks three years since “Black Friday” in Rafah, intensive military attacks that killed 255 Palestinians, including 85 children, and wounded hundreds more.
With great grief and sorrow, Adalah management and staff mourn the passing of Mrs. Salemeh Badarneh, sister of our esteemed colleague Adalah Office Manager Fathiyya Hussein.
Supreme Court rules police must return bodies of three Al Aqsa shooting suspects, Palestinian citizens of Israel, to families for burial within 30 hours; says no law permits police to hold bodies.
Women human rights activists have testified to being verbally, sexually, and physically harassed by Israeli soldiers and police during protests, arrests or investigations, as well as being...
In response to Adalah petition, Israeli Supreme Court decides to hold hearing on issue Sunday; Adalah: No law permits Israeli police to hold bodies and prevent families from burying their children.
Israel imposes collective punishment on Palestinian residents, preventing them from accessing homes and businesses, in violation of both Israeli and international law.
Report: Attorney General approved legalization of houses built on private Palestinian land in apparent effort to avoid enactment of Settlement Regularization Law.
Video of Israeli police shooting of one individual appears to indicate he posed no serious immediate danger that would have justified the use of intensive and fatal gunfire.
Clinic served pregnant women, new mothers, and infants in two Haifa-area villages; closure forces patients to travel to more distant clinics despite lack of access to public transportation.
Special request to expand city's planning area might be approved before Interior Ministry has even finished investigating potential consequences to Arab villages.
Al Fura’a, home to 6,000 residents, was recognized by the state 11 years ago but the local outline plan for the village has yet to be completed.
Adalah petition demanded school bus stops, related safety infrastructure to resolve numerous hazards children currently face on their way to and from school.
Proposed amendment would give settlements equal legal status to that of communities in the Naqab, effectively annexing parts of the southern West Bank to Israel.
100 children from Umm Bidoun in country's south prevented from attending school after Israeli authorities suddenly install highway guardrail.
"Forced imposition of a political perspective is both offensive and humiliating. This harms the students' constitutional right to freedom of political expression."
Israeli Interior Minister's moves to revoke citizenship of those convicted of acts defined as "breaches of loyalty" are being applied in discriminatory manner against Palestinian citizens of Israel.
ILA is offering land tenders in at least seven West Bank settlements in 2016-2017; Adalah demands immediate halt to this illegal practice.
MK Jabareen: We are receiving reports of serious Israel Prison Service violations of hunger-strikers' rights. It is my right and obligation as a Knesset member to examine these reports.