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Human rights defenders advocating and working on Palestinian human rights around the world are facing intensifying threats and are increasingly targeted for their work.
To mark International Human Rights Day 2016 and the 20 years since its establishment, Adalah has published an interactive timeline charting the last two decades of the legal, political and...
2016's top five human rights concerns: forced displacement, discriminatory laws, 'shoot to kill' policy, education and employment gaps, shrinking civil society space.
Bill violates both international and Israeli law; Israel is forbidden – as occupying power – to exploit occupied lands for its own political or civil purposes.
Amendment to Israel's Civil Wrongs Law illegally releases state from all responsibility for harm caused to civilians, as long as they live in areas declared as 'enemy territory'.
State provided court with inaccurate information regarding availability of immediate housing solution; false media reports indicate demolition postponed as result of court order.
New Jewish town of 'Hiran' to be built on ruins of Arab Bedouin village in Israel's south; demolition to move forward despite court recognition residents are not illegal trespassers.
Israeli police employ series of illegal practices against Palestinian Arab citizen protesters, including preventive arrests and dispersal of legal demonstrations.
Managers ban employees from speaking Arabic even to Arab customers, say those who refuse to accept ban can quit; Adalah: ban and threat constitute violations of employees' rights.
Adalah Attorney Sawsan Zaher joins NGOS, civil society organizations, and advocates from more than 70 countries to confront global systems perpetuating inequality, impoverishment, and dispossession.
With great grief and sorrow, Adalah management and staff mourn the passing of Mrs. Nawal Bishara, mother of our esteemed colleague Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara.
Majority of 2015-2016 arrests for alleged online incitement are of Palestinian citizens; Israel may apply Facebook deal in discriminatory, politically-motivated manner.
Unjustified increase in Hebrew-language proficiency test scores discriminates against Arab candidates, constitutes a direct harm to equality of access to Technion studies.
Between 2011 and 2015, police arrested 96 citizens of Israel suspected of waving Palestinian flag; indictments were filed in 45 cases. Nothing in Israeli law forbids flying Palestinian flag.
"The MAG’s position constitutes an incorrect interpretation of international humanitarian law, and a misapplication of the laws of war."
Adalah: Detention of women was illegal as they were forced by military to enter Israeli territory, therefore not ‘illegally staying’ in country.
Israeli police shuttered Arab-owned businesses in East Jerusalem following stabbing attack, despite not having warrants or other legal authorization.
Plan to expand Jerusalem-area settlement onto Beit Jala is breach of international law, serious violation of Palestinian property rights.
Adalah appealed ministry directive in May 2016, demanding Arab students have access to the same benefits and considerations granted to Hebrew-speaking students taking exam.