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Read the letter:
Attorney Bishara: Court's ruling protects the residents’ right to live in their village that has existed since before the establishment of the state, but which has faced the looming threat of...
Adalah and ACRI: The right to citizenship is a basic right recognized in Israeli and international law; the revocation of citizenship requires extraordinary authority that is characteristic of...
Attorney Khoury: \"The Facebook post that Munair was arrested and interrogated for is nothing but an expression of a personal opinion against the activities of the people he posted about.\"
Attorney Jabareen: “The main objective behind the four charges was to achieve a sentence of imprisonment for the MK, but the prosecution failed to do so.”
Adalah: The core issue is the prohibition on Palestinian citizens of Israel from entering numerous Arab countries, which in this case prevents journalists like Kayyal from enjoying their right to...
Adalah: \"The release of Majd Kayyal demonstrates that his detention was a purely retaliatory action by the police and that they had no legal basis or evidence for the charges made against him.\"
Special meeting was held in the context of a new report prepared by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) on the rights of Palestinian women within EU's relations with Israel and the...
Attorney Zaher: Supreme Court must order state to also connect four other schools included in the petition.
Attorney Jabareen: 'The fact that the court dismissed three of the four charges shows a blatantly discriminatory policy in the submission of indictments against Arab political leaders.'
Military Prosecutor General withdraws decision to deny visiting rights of prisoner’s lawyer On 13 March 2014, the Israeli Military Prosecutor General informed Adalah that a decision by a...
Adalah’s General Director, Attorney Hassan Jabareen, together with Attorneys Orna Kohn and Aram Mahameed have been representing MK Barakeh
New Chairman of the Board is human rights attorney Hussein Abu Hussein, a founder of the Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA)
Adalah is launching a new website for its exhibition, Families Interrupted.
The bill is an infringement of the individual and collective rights of Arab citizens who, like Jewish citizens and any citizens of a democratic country, are entitled to the right to a meaningful...
Adalah, ACAP and the Public Committee call for cancelling the plan and formulating a new alternative plan that does not impede on the basic rights and needs of Arab citizens in the Triangle region.
On the eve of International Women’s Day, EMHRN’s new report highlights the unique situation of Palestinian women whose rights are violated in both Israel the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).
The political, colonial motives behind this law are similar to the approaches adopted by the apartheid regime in South Africa, and by the French in its colonial rule in Algeria
PHR-I and Adalah sent a letter to the Israeli Attorney General urging him to withdraw his support for a controversial bill permitting the “force-feeding” of prisoners.