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On 26 June 2011, Adalah sent a letter to the Israel Prison Service (IPS) demanding that it prepare for the hot, summer weather by immediately improving conditions and installing air cooling devices...
(Beer el-Sabe, Israel) On 22 June 2011, the Supreme Court of Israel issued a 40-page ruling on a petition filed by Adalah in August 2002 in which it demanded that the Big Mosque in the Old City of...
On 15 June 2011, Adalah submitted a detailed complaint to the Ministry of Justice's Police Investigation Unit ("Mahash") to demand the opening of a criminal investigation against Mr. Kobi Bachar,...
(Haifa, Israel). Today, Monday 20 June 2011, the Supreme Court of Israel held the first hearing on two petitions submitted by Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) against...
Following an urgent letter by Adalah, on 16 June 2011 the Municipality of Ramleh (Ramla) reconnected the Arab Al-Omariyah Elementary School to the internet after it had been cut off for several...
On 13 June 2011, Adalah sent a letter to Mr. Daniel Lavi, Head of the Israeli Water Board to demand that three unrecognized Arab Bedouin villages of Umm el-Hieran, Gatamat and Tel Arad in the Naqab...
On 12 June 2011, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the Israeli Attorney General, Yehuda Weinstein, to demand a criminal investigation into the Mayor of Natseret Illit, Shimon Gapso, following racist...
The Haifa District Court has dismissed a petition filed by Adalah on behalf of 24 individuals from the village of Daliyat al-Carmel that demands the cancellation of a master plan for a "National...
(Haifa, Israel) Yesterday, 5 June 2011, the Israeli Supreme Court delivered a decision on an appeal filed by Adalah five years ago, in 2006, on behalf Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel living in six...
Volume 83, June 2011 Religious Rights Israeli Supreme Court rules to turn Big Mosque in Beer el-Sabe into an "Islamic Museum" The Right to Water Israeli Supreme Court: Arab Bedouin in unrecognized...
(Haifa, Israel) On 18 May 2011, Adalah and Baladna held a public event at the Al-Meidan Theater in Haifa on the Nakba of the Arab Bedouin in the Naqab (Negev). The speakers discussed the problems...
The seminar will be held on Wednesday, 18th May 2011 at 19:00 at the Al-Meidan Theater in Haifa. The seminar will address the issues facing the unrecognized villages through the case of the village...
Adalah is currently representing several detainees and defendants who participated in protests against repeated home demolitions and forcible expulsions from the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village...
(Haifa, Israel) On 16 May 2011, after hours of hearings, Judge Enam Dahleh-Shargawe of the Magistrates' Court in Safad decided to release six detainees arrested during Nakba demonstrations in...
(Haifa, Israel – May 17, 2011) – –Former IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Ruth Yaron and former Southern Brigade Commander, Colonel Pinhas (Pinky) Zuaretz are both scheduled to testify on...
On 16 May 2011, Adalah sent a letter to the Dean of Students and President of the University of Haifa on behalf of Arab student Rabia' Eid to demand the cancellation of the university...
On 11 May 2011, Adalah and Nadi al-Aseer (the Palestinian Prisoners' Club) sent a pre-petition to the Israeli Attorney General, the Minister of Internal Security and the Head of the Israeli Prison...
Schools, universities, local councils and cultural institutions may suffer budget cuts if they commemorate the day of the establishment of Israel as a day of Nakba; Court asked to issue order...
May 29, 2009 Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu Mr. Shimon Peres Mr. Reuven Rivlin Re: Legislative bills aimed against the Arab citizens in Israel
Volume 82, May 2011 The 63rd Anniversary of the Nakba Adalah, ACRI, parents and school alumni petition Supreme Court: Nakba Law is unconstitutional; allow freedom of speech Adalah: Magistrate Court...