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UN Committee Against Torture finds 'numerous, ongoing and consistent allegations' of torture and ill-treatment by Israel against Palestinians and calls for independent investigation into operation...
On 27 May 2009, Adalah sent a letter to the Israel Land Administration (ILA), the Attorney General and the Finance Minister demanding that they act immediately to repeal an ILA decision, which...
On 21 May 2009, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, and the Commander of the Southern Division of the Israeli army, Yoav Galant, demanding that they...
In recent months, the Israeli navy has escalated its harassment of and assaults on the fishermen in the Gaza Strip. Following Israel's unilateral disengagement in 2005, Israel restricted the...
On 18 May 2009, Adalah filed a petition to the Nazareth District Court against a decision by the Israel Prison Service (IPS) that totally bans bringing books into the prisons. Adalah Attorney Abeer...
In its response to a lawsuit filed by Adalah and Sawt el-Amel (the Laborer’s Voice) in the Tel Aviv District Labor Court, the Israel Railways Company (IRC) has announced that it will replace...
On 3 May 2009, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the head of the Police in the Naqab region demanding the immediate dismantling of police blockades set up at the entrances to the Arab Bedouin village...
During Supreme Court Hearing on Adalah Petition Seeking Criminal Investigations into Killings and Home Demolitions, Justices Make Political Comments Unrelated to the Merits of the Petition On...
On Wednesday, 6 May 2009, at 9 am, the Supreme Court of Israel will hear a petition filed by Adalah together with the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (Gaza) and Al-Haq (West Bank) in April...
Volume 60, May 2009 Nakba Law The Legal Saga of Abu Nakba Hassan Jabareen, Attorney General Director of Adalah Prisoners' Rights Israel Prison Service bans entry of books into...
UN Committee Against Torture to review Israel on 5 and 6 May 2009
Today, 30 April 2009, Adalah and Sawt el-Amel ("The Laborers' Voice) submitted a lawsuit to the Regional Labor Court in Tel Aviv on behalf of two Arab workers fired by the Israel Railway Company....
Since January 2009, the National Insurance Institute (NII) in Israel has discontinued the transfer of disability payments to more than 5,000 eligible Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip....
On 27 April 2009, the inspector designated by the Jerusalem District Planning Committee delayed hearing objections filed by Adalah, in cooperation with the Civic Coalition for Defending the...
Tomorrow, Monday 27 April 2009 at 9 a.m., an investigator nominated by the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee, which is part of the Israeli Interior Ministry, will hear objections...
On 8 April 2009, Adalah in cooperation with Al-Mezan in Gaza, sent a letter to the Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak and the Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz, demanding that the AG immediately...
Since January 2009, the National Insurance Institute (NII) in Israel has discontinued the transfer of disability payments to more than 5,000 eligible Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip....
In April 2009 Adalah challenged two new Israel Prison Service (IPS) policies that created worsened conditions of confinement for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons: a total ban on bringing...
On 16 April 2009, Adalah submitted a motion objecting to the state's presentation of secret evidence (referred to as “intelligence material”) for review by the Nazereth District Court,...
The Israel Railway Company argued in its response to Adalah, dated 30 March 2009, that its decision to impose the military service criterion as a condition for retaining workers was based on...