Special Reports

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Ameer Makhoul, a Palestinian Arab citizen of Israel, is a political activist and human rights defender. Dr. Omar Saeed lives in the village of Kufr Kanna and has a long history of political...
In February 2010, a virulent offensive was launched against human rights organizations based in Israel. The situation deteriorated to the point that the Knesset discussed the possible establishment...
During Israel's three-week offensive on Gaza code-named "Operation Cast Lead" from 27 December 2008 to 18 January 2009, at least 1,440 Palestinians were killed, including 431 children and 114...
In October 2000, Israeli security forces deployed live ammunition and rubber-coated bullets against Palestinian Arab citizens at demonstrations, killing 13 people. Despite the Or Commission of...
On Monday 31 May 2010, Israeli naval commandoes dropped from a helicopter onto one of the Freedom Flotilla ships en route to Gaza. They used live ammunition against the unarmed civilian passengers...
On 7 November 2001, the Israeli Knesset (parliament) voted to lift the immunity of Member of Knesset (MK) Dr. Azmi Bishara, head of the National Democratic Assembly party. This move came at the...
On 31 December 2002, the Israeli Central Elections Committee, comprised of 41 representatives of political parties in the outgoing Knesset, voted to disqualify the National Democratic Assembly, a...
This section summarizes six petitions filed before the Supreme Court of Israel during and after the Israeli army's March - April 2002 military attacks on Palestinian cities, towns, villages and...